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How do you feel about your grocery budget? Are you consistently over spending each month?
Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate. If you are just starting to incorporate more real food into you diet, and you’re not sure how you will be able to afford the cost, I hope you can get a better idea from my experience.
Starting a budget
I started doing research on real food back in January of 2012. While I implemented more real food into my diet in March and April, I didn’t really consider my grocery budget until May, when I was about $300 over. Ignorance is bliss, right?
Could we really afford real food using our SAD budget?
You see, I thought I would need to expand our grocery budget to afford real food. I mean, that’s why I was over spending, right? But that wasn’t the case. After I sat down and took a good look at our budget again, I realized that if I just plan ahead more, we may be able to eat real food at the same price we were eating a SAD (standard American diet)!
I said, “we may be able” to afford real food at the same price, because I have only been on this budget for one month so far, but I stuck to it this month and I have high hopes for next month!!!
Read more about the steps to create or evaluate your real food budget at Modern Alternative Kitchen: Real Food On A Budget